Viewing posts tagged Authentication Attacks
Posted by: admin 16 years, 1 month ago
According to MessageLabs via ZDNet:
During March, MessageLabs intercepted 716 e-mail messages that were part of 249 targeted attacks aimed at 216 of its customers, the Gloucester, England-based provider of hosted e-mail filtering services said in a research report. Of the attacks, almost 200 consisted of a single malicious e-mail designed to infiltrate an organization, MessageLabs said.Emphasis added.
Posted by: admin 16 years, 1 month ago
Kurt at anti-virus rants has a pair of posts, one on what is man-in-the-middle attack and a follow up on why tokens won't stop phishing, which lead me to an earlier post on why safe site indicators fail.
Posted by: admin 16 years, 1 month ago
Pete over at Spire Security points out the obvvious(which alluded me):
As far as I can tell, Bruce Schneier's current Wired column, MySpace Passwords Aren't So Dumb, is intended to be taken seriously. The article is supposed to be about how "good" passwords on MySpace are these days, and there isn't a hint of irony in his statement:He also points out that if you're not going to do two-factor authentication, then don't worry about long passwords. If any data is important enough or vulnerable enough to require a strong and therefore annoying password policy, use two-factor authentication."But seriously, passwords are getting better."I am at a loss to explain how he can come to this conclusion when every single one of the 34,000 passwords he analyzed were stolen through a phishing attack. What he should have said was: "This shows that a 1-character password (the shortest they harvested) is just as secure as a 32-character password (the longest they harvested)"
Posted by: admin 16 years, 1 month ago
Dave Evans from Teros pointed out that the PWSteal.Bankash.D trojan includes two lists: one for sites thatmsn-korea-site-hosted-malware-for-days
Posted by: admin 16 years, 1 month ago
An update from Forbes on the MSN Korea attack:Recent Posts
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